New Vegan Dog Food Study Reveals Positive Health Outcomes

The longest, most comprehensive study on dogs fed plant-based diets has been posted in BioRXIV, generating good news for meatless dogs everywhere. The study, conducted by Tonatiuh Melgarejo, Annika Linde and their colleagues, followed a population of 15 adult dogs, volunteered by the dog parents, over the course of one year. The dogs were fed v-dog, a commercial plant-based kibble, and monitored on various health parameters, including blood chemistry and heart health, at 0, 6 and 12 months.
According to the study's authors, the results provide "clinically important evidence-based nutrition data and new knowledge on outcomes in clinically healthy dogs who maintain health without consumption of animal-derived ingredients."
Read the full study here --> BioRXIV, February 2023
At Opal, we're passionate about fresh, 100% vegan nutrition for dogs. Not sure where to start? Check out our Guide to Home Cooking for Dogs!